Lets create a simple weather App ⛈️- Part 1

Lets create a simple weather App ⛈️- Part 1


6 min read


With the help of technology, we can now track the weather with much more accuracy than ever before. By using a weather app, we can get real-time updates on the weather conditions in our area.

A weather app can be a great tool for planning your day or week. It can also help you avoid bad weather conditions. There are many different weather apps available and really useful. But why not built one?.

Weather forecast

For this project, we will be using RapidAPI, WeatherAPI, and Streamlit.

What is RapidAPI?

RapidAPI is a platform that allows developers to easily find, connect, and use APIs. The platform provides a single place for developers to search for APIs, view documentation, and test APIs. RapidAPI also allows developers to manage their API keys and track their usage.

So sign up at RapidAPI or Login (If you've already used) to get started!

Weather API ⛈️

This is the heart of our app. The Weather API!

WeatherAPI.com is a powerful fully managed free weather and geolocation API provider that provides extensive APIs that range from the weather forecast, historical weather, future weather, and weather alerts, air quality data, IP lookup, and astronomy to sports, time zone, and geolocation.

We can get our credentials in two ways

I prefer using RapidAPI because we can explore all APIs in one place and we will be using it in my upcoming projects. It's up to you!

We will be using the Realtime Weather API to get the current Weather details for the location. You can see the playground as shown below

WeatherAPI playground.png

In order to use the API, click on the test endpoints.


We will be using Python as our language to build our app. you can find the code snippet for each example in most of the possible languages. Select Python -> Requests. You will be able to see the code snippet as shown below. Keep it aside. We will use it later.


Let's built it out! ⚒️

#01 Import necessary modules

  • Requests module - Requests is an elegant and simple HTTP library for Python, built for human beings.

  • Streamlit module - The fastest way to build data apps in Python

  • JSON - Python has a built-in package called json, which can be used to work with JSON data

  • streamlit.components.v1 - To display an HTML string in an iframe.

import streamlit as st
import requests
import json
import streamlit.components.v1 as components

About JSON

JSON - JavaScript Object Notation - Most famous and widely accepted data exchange format - originally specified by Douglas Crockford. Check out my thread on JSON

#02 Displaying Texts

st.title("Weather App") # Displays title
st.subheader("Exploring RapidAPI's weather Endpoints") # Displays subheader

#03 Setting up Weather API

url = "https://weatherapi-com.p.rapidapi.com/current.json"

  headers: {
    'X-RapidAPI-Key': 'YOUR-API-KEY',
    'X-RapidAPI-Host': 'weatherapi-com.p.rapidapi.com'

#04 Query

Lets get the location input from the user using the st.text_input function and We need to create a query param, so we map the location with the q key with the dictionary name querystring which we will call using the GET method with the endpoint URL.

location = st.text_input("Enter the location", "Chennai")
querystring = {"q":{location}}

#05 GET: Get resources from the server

We will be using the requests module which we imported earlier which has a .request() method for making seven main kinds of requests to a web server.

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, params=querystring)
result = response.text

response.text returns the content of the response

#06 Playing with JSON

json.loads() method can be used to parse a valid JSON string and convert it into a Python Dictionary

data = json.loads(result)

We can visualize the json using the st.json function. It will help to understand what we get after the response from the server.


You can use also use the JSON Visio tool to seamlessly visualize JSON data instantly into graphs. Try understanding the data we got from the response.

weatherAPI_visualize (1).png

#07 Displaying data

With the help of st.columns function we can create columns that insert containers laid out side-by-side. To add elements to the returned containers, you can use with notation (preferred) or just call methods directly on the returned object.

Let's access each data from JSON and display it with two side-by-side columns.

col1, col2 = st.columns(2)

with col1:

    st.write(f'Name: {data["location"]["name"]}')
    st.write(f'Region: {data["location"]["region"]}')
    st.write(f'Country: {data["location"]["country"]}')
    st.write(f'Local Time: {data["location"]["localtime"]}')
    st.metric(label="wind_kph", value= f'{data["current"]["wind_kph"]}')
    st.write(f'Feels like: {data["current"]["feelslike_c"]} ℃')

with col2: 

    st.write(f'Temp in Celcius: {data["current"]["temp_c"]}')
    st.write(f'Temp in Farenheit: {data["current"]["temp_f"]}')
    st.write(f'Condition: {data["current"]["condition"]["text"]}')
    st.metric(label = "Humidity", value = f'{data["current"]["humidity"]}')

#08 Finishing up

Displaying information using st.info function

st.info('⛅ Current weather or realtime weather API method allows a user to get up-to-date current weather information in json and xml. The data is returned as a Current Object.')

components.html works by giving you the ability to embed an iframe inside of a Streamlit app that contains your desired output.

    <a href="https://www.weatherapi.com/" title="Free Weather API"><img src='//cdn.weatherapi.com/v4/images/weatherapi_logo.png' alt="Weather data by WeatherAPI.com" border="0" target="_blank"></a>

#09 Run 🏃

Once you've created your script, say weather.py, the easiest way to run it is with a streamlit run

streamlit run weather.py

This will fire up the browser and you will be able to see the live app.

You can run this in the beginning and build your app by visualizing each element. This will help you understand quickly.

#10 Error

Try searching for a different location. You will see that some locations are not found and it shows an error. To tackle this issue we will use simple if else conditions. The status code will be 400 if there is no location found matching parameter 'q'. We can read the status code using the response.status_code. So if response.status_code == 400, let's indicate to the user with the help of the st.error function that the location is not found and try searching for a different location.

if(response.status_code == 400):
    st.error("No location found matching parameter 'q', try searching for a different location.")

    # rest of our code


Deployment 🚀

Streamlit allows users to deploy apps freely. Check out Deployment using streamlit

Wait!!! What about the credentials? It's not secure, right? It's on the code. How to secure and use it and deploy our app safely?

Secret Management 🔐

We all have secrets, keep them with us, and do not share unless trusted. It's the same for the apps. Whenever we sign up for API, credentials will be generated only for you. It is our purpose to take care of our secrets.

In streamlit cloud ☁️, there is a feature called secrets management which helps you to store all the credentials safely without exposing them to others. You will be able to see the Secrets option in the setting of your app just like the below-shown image.


We will be providing the environment variables and other secrets to our app using TOML format.

X-RapidAPI-Host = "weatherapi-com.p.rapidapi.com"

How to use secrets in your Streamlit app?

We can access secrets as environment variables or by querying the st.secrets dict. Replace the header with st.secrets function.


headers = {
    "X-RapidAPI-Key": st.secrets["X-RapidAPI-Key"],
    "X-RapidAPI-Host": st.secrets["X-RapidAPI-Host"]

To learn more about the secret management in streamlit -> Secrets management - Streamlit

Complete code of the app ↗️

Live demo 🌪️ of our app.

weather app live.png



Stay tuned for part 2 in which we will try to explore the Hourly Weather, Sports API, Astronomy API, Time Zone API, and other Weather-related endpoints.

And that's a wrap. Thanks for reading and don't forget to share your feedback. You can find me on Twitter - @dotaadarsh. Stay tuned for more!

Stay safe 😷 Spread Love ❤️ and Keep Exploring 🚀